D-box cases
Diagonal opening at the top of the D-box provides easy access to the placed devices and equipment. LOCATION Cabinets D-boxes are installed in open areas, in explosive areas and production facilities. The customer selects the cabinet in accordance with the specified markings and industry safety regulations. On customer request, cabinets can be equipped with various sets of mounting elements and additional options. CONSTRUCTION D-boxes are produced in version UHL1 according to State Standard 15150, designed for operation at temperatures -60°С to +45°С. Climatic modification of enclosure design upon request is possible. Protection degree against climatic impacts IP54 or IP65 according to GOST 14254, depending on the customer's requirements. CONSTRUCTION D-box protection enclosure represents a riveted and welded metal casing, divided in two parts by partition plane passing through two opposite ribs. If necessary, it is possible to manufacture D-boxes with a parting plane running parallel to one of the enclosure walls.